12 novembre 2020

Comunicato ufficiale della campagna di Trump
Per fermare la FRODE ELETTORALE - Nov 7 2020
Comunicato ufficiale della campagna di Trump per fermare la FRODE ELETTORALE - Nov 7 2020

          Trump Pence
Make America Great Again

If you count the LEGAL votes, I easily win the Election. If you count the ILLEGAL and LATE votes, the Radical Left can steal this Election from us.

I've won many critical states, despite historic interference from Big Media, Big Money, and Big Tech. Democrat-run cities, like Detroit and Philadelphia, two of the most politically corrupt places in America, cannot be responsible for deciding the outcome of this race.

They’re trying to STEAL this Election.
Remember, they’re not only trying to STEAL the Election from me - they’re also trying to steal it from YOU.

I promise you my team is fighting around the clock to DEFEND the integrity of this Election, but we cannot do it alone. We need EVERY Patriot...


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