Trump riesce a domare la CIA come stava facendo John Kennedy prima di essere assassinato?

20 dicembre 2020
Trump riesce a domare la CIA come stava facendo John Kennedy prima di essere assassinato?
Con l'attivazione del National Security Action Memorandum 57, la CIA torna ad essere un'agenzia di intelligence al servizio del Presidente, non piu' uno Stato nello Stato con un suo esercito e aeronautica personale, al servizio dell'oligarchia globalista?"

Quello che John Kennedy aveva preparato nel 1961 - national security action memoranda 55, 56, 57 — per domare la CIA attraverso i militari, viene realizzato ora da Trump attraverso il segretario della difesa pro tempore, Chris Miller?
I militari non devono più sottoporsi alle richieste di uso e abuso delle loro forze speciali da parte della CIA. Le Forze Speciali sono state elevate da Trump a corpo indipendente allo stesso livello delle altre armi, Esercito, Marina, Aeronautica, ecc. In più, Trump ha creato una nuova arma indipendente, le Forze Spaziali.

Pagina 2 del Memorandum 57 che preparò John Kennedy per "domare" la CIA. Sarebbe stato attuato nel 1964 ma Kennedy fu assassinato nel 1963.
Il 17 dicembre 2020 Trump ha usato il memorandum di Kennedy per sottrarre le forze paramilitari dal controllo della CIA.


1. For the purpose of this study, a paramilitary operation is considered to be one which by its tactics and its requiremente in military-type personnel, equipment and training approximates a non ventional military operation.
It may be undertaken in support of an existing government friendly to the U.S. or in support of a rebel group seeking to overthrow a government hostile to us. The U.S. may render assistance to such operations overtly, covertly or by a combination of both methods. In size these operations may vary from the infiltration of a squad of guerrillas to a military operation such as the Cuban invasion. The small operations will often fall completely within the normal capability of one agency the large ones may affect State, Defense, CIA, USIA and possibly other departments and agencies.

2. In order to conduct paramilitary operations with maximum effectiveness and flexibility within the context of the Cold War, it is recommended that current directives and procedures be modified to effect the following:

a. Any proposed paramilitary operation in the concept stage will be presented to the Strategic Resources Group for initial consideration and for approval as necessary by the President. There after, the SRG will assign primary responsibility for planning, for interdepartment coordination and for execution to the Task Force, department or individual best qualified to carry forward the operation to success, and will indicate supporting responsibilities. Under this principle, the Department of Defense will normally receive responsibility for overt paramilitary operations. Where such an operation is to be wholly covert or disavowable, it may be assigned to CIA, provided that it is within the normal capabilities of the agency. Any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert which requires significant numbers of militarily trained personnel, amounts of military equipment which exceed normal CIA-controlled stocks and/or military experience of a kind and level peculiar to the Armed Services is properly the primary responsibility of the Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.

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